Into the Wild (Hacia Rutas Salvajes) és la darrera pel·lícula que ha dirigit en Sean Penn. Tinc moltes ganes de veure-la, tot i que darrerament totes les pel·lícules que vull veure al cinema se m'escapen i no sembla que això de canviar en un futur proper... ans al contrari. L'Eddie Vedder, solista del grup Pearl Jam, n'ha composat la banda sonora. És un disc acústic amb lletres sencilles amb regust a folk i a blues. M'ha agradat més que qualsevol dels albums de Pearl Jam, grup que aprecio però que crec que està enormement sobrevalorat. Un disc molt maco i molt recomanable.
Podeu trobar una altra crítica del disc a Hipersonica.
Us deixo amb el videoclip-trailer promocional i les lletres de la cançó, que segurament no és la més representativa del disc, però també m'agrada molt.
When I walk beside her
I am the better man
When I look to leave her
I always stagger back again
Once I built an Ivory Tower
So I could worshop from above
When I climb down to be set free
She took me in again
There's a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
When she comes to greet me
She is mercy at my feet
When I see her pin her charm
She just throws it back at me
Once I dug an early grave
To find a better land
She just smiled and laughed at me
And took her bruise back again
There's a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
There's a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
When I go across that river
She is comfort by my side
When I try to understand
She just opens up her hands
There's a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
Once I stood to lose her
When I saw what I had done
Bound down and flew away the hours
Of her garden and her sun
So I tried to warn her
I turned to see her weep
Forty days and forty nights
And it's still coming down on me
There's a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
There's a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
(Repeat chorus 6x, fading out)
Escoltant: eddie vedder - end of the road
via FoxyTunes